Welcome to AGSA reports
Your one-stop site to all our public reports over the past 10 years. Here you are able to find all our audit insights, outcomes and information at your fingertips.
As the supreme audit institution of the country, we strive to strengthen democracy and improve the lives of all South Africans. By creating easy access to all our audit results here, we are able to educate government, advocacy groups, an active public and any interested parties on the outcomes and insight generated by our audits.
Having an informed accountability ecosystem that is transparent, efficient, effective and accountable will encourage and influence the change we want to see in the public sector, strengthen democracy and uplift the lives of the citizens of South Africa.
Each year, we produce two general reports that offer an analysis and insight to our audits of all government departments, public entities, municipalities and public institutions. Over and above these entity-specific reports, we produce reports on real-time audits, performance audits, and other special audits. We also report on our own performance and financial statements in our integrated annual report.
Integrated annual report
National and provincial government reports
Local government reports
Special reports

Integrated annual report

National and provincial government reports

Local government reports