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Integrated annual report

The annual report is an account of our performance for the financial year against our predetermined objectives outlined in the budget and strategic plan, and a record of our financial statements for that year. We provide Parliament with this report in line with the constitutional value of accountability.

We benchmark our report against best practice, standards and legislation, which plays a role in defining the format of the report and enhances the transparency and completeness of our reporting.

As the supreme audit institution of the country, we endeavour to provide meaningful value to our stakeholders, and contribute to positive changes in the lives of the people of South Africa.

Our work was delivered during a particularly challenging year as we dealt with the impact of the pandemic while trying to meet the legislated timelines to complete audits. The adversity made us stronger as an organisation, as a team and as individuals.

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Integrated annual report 2022-23

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Integrated annual report 2021-22

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Integrated annual report 2020-21

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Integrated annual report 2019-20

Integrated annual report 2018-19

Integrated annual report 2017-18

Integrated annual report 2016-17

Integrated annual report 2015-16

Integrated annual report 2014-15

Integrated annual report 2013-14

Annual report 2012-13

Annual report 2011-12